
Report Writer and Query Tool

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Waiting several days for a custom report request or rummaging through mountains of printouts is now a thing of the past! TAOS/Views will free you from the hassles of plodding through an endless maze of information overflow. This fully graphical Windows product lets you unlock hidden data. Whether you're reviewing profit and loss statements or tracking sales trends, TAOS/Views lets you do it quickly and accurately. With point-and-click ease, you can now usher ideas from conception through analysis to resolution, onward to new business horizons.

TAOS/Views is a Windows report writer and query tool that allows you to use virtually any of your data sources. It is designed for use with existing BBX applications and recognizes existing BBX file formats. With TAOS/Views you gain control over selecting and summarizing information according to your immediate and specific needs. You'll have answers to your questions, formatted to your specifications, and right for your audience.

You could spend hours re-keying information into a spreadsheet program. But TAOS/Views also includes Microsoft's ODBC Administrator that allows third party drivers from a variety of sources to be added. This allows access to virtually any database. Use the data analysis power of TAOS/Views to transform your static business data into useful information that gives you the power and confidence to move forward in today's competitive business environment. The easy-to-use Windows interface means you can manipulate your data into a wide variety of top-notch report formats.

Creating a report is as easy as selecting an item from a list. TAOS/Views online context-sensitive help and comprehensive tutorial gets you up and running quickly. Turn your data into useful information to help you spot business trends, spotlight key products, project multiple scenarios, and locate your profit centers. With its wide selection of pre-defined templates, click-and-drag field placement, and intuitive interface, TAOS/Views makes your data board-room-ready fast. Data manipulation tools allow you to place calculations in your report. The TAOS/Views robust function library gives you access to AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM and over 30 other built-in functions.

TAOS/Views is now available for MS Windows 3.1 or higher. To order, contact your supplier or BASIS Sales Services at telephone number 505-345-5232.

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